• tissue paper
  • tissue paper
tissue paper
tissue paper

Product series:

tissue paper

In the realm of the paper products industry, tissue paper holds a significant position due to its indispensable role in our daily lives and commercial sectors. Tissue paper is an ultra-lightweight, absorbent, and disposable paper product crafted from virgin pulp or recycled paper materials. 


In the realm of the paper products industry, tissue paper holds a significant position due to its indispensable role in our daily lives and commercial sectors. Tissue paper is an ultra-lightweight, absorbent, and disposable paper product crafted from virgin pulp or recycled paper materials. 

Tissue paper products come in various forms, serving different purposes. Facial tissues, also known as pocket squares or kleenex, are designed for personal hygiene, providing gentle comfort during colds, allergies, or makeup removal. Toilet paper, another common variant, ensures sanitation and hygiene in washrooms worldwide. Kitchen rolls, often called paper towels, are used for cleaning spills, drying hands, or wiping surfaces in food preparation areas.

Moreover, there's the category of table napkins that grace dining tables, adding elegance while catering to guests' needs. And then we have the specialized tissue papers like medical wipes, baby wipes, and moist toilettes, which are pre-moistened for enhanced utility in specific contexts.

The tissue paper manufacturing process involves pulping, bleaching, refining, and creping to create a soft and pliable texture. High-quality tissue papers boast strength, absorbency, and softness without leaving lint or residue. They're usually packaged in user-friendly dispensers or boxes to ensure ease of use and maintain hygiene standards.

Sustainability is a key focus in the tissue paper industry, with many manufacturers now using eco-friendly production methods and sourcing raw materials responsibly. Recycled tissue paper options are gaining popularity, reducing environmental impact without compromising on quality.

In conclusion, tissue paper is not just a mundane household item but a reflection of convenience, hygiene, and environmental consciousness in today's world. Its versatility and indispensability make it a cornerstone product within the global paper products industry.

Tissue paper


Kitchen Paper

Box Tissue

Business Paper

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